Painters and Plasterers use NatraPower Instant Glove each day, to protect their hands against paint, plaster and stains getting in and sticking to their skin.
We all know what it’s like to have paint stuck on your hands for a few hours and how tedious it can be to get it off afterwards. It’s harsh on your skin, and when you’re roughing up your hands to get them clean at the end of each day your hands it’s a punishing they don’t need.
That’s why NatraPower works so well, preventing the paint, stain and plasters from penetrating into the skin, and making it a breeze to clean up.
If you’re using turps or any other solvents when washing up, your hands might be clean, but they will also be totally stripped of moisture (welcome dermatitis) - and they’ll stink for hours afterwards!
NatraPower prevents strong odours from getting into the skin, so these strong smelling solvents just won’t stay around on your hands to be noticed … by you or anyone else.
And the Natural, skin-friendly ingredients in NatraPower prevent your hands from drying out, so you’ve got better hands at the start and the finish of your day!
Painters and Plasterers like a handy size when it comes to NatraPower Instant glove. The pocket size 30g and tool box size 150g tubes are the most popular in the trade, although a few use the larger 500mL pump dispenser too
Mining is a tough industry and there are plenty of reasons why hand Shield is a favourite at Mine Sites.
There’s plenty of dirt, grime, aggressive chemicals, and process water in Mining. Whether you’re working underground or on the surface, there’s an abundance of applications around mobile machinery, fixed plant, and/or processing equipment in both operational and maintenance roles that require hand and skin protection.
Physical gloves provide specific and critical mechanical protection to for preventing injury, but it’s very difficult a gloves to be effective where there are multiple hazards like those frequently found in mining. Take for example, a physical impact hazard plus liquids or chemicals together. And, gloves don’t nourish the skin.
NatraPower Instant Glove cream is a unique solution for glove wearers because it provides a secondary barrier under the physical glove to resist chemicals and water ingress. And it strengthens and nourishes the hands inside that skin-sweating glove.
Mining & Mineral Processing Industries have identified the clear benefits of NatraPower Instant Glove and companies are implementing it into their HSE protocols and mandating its use for staff.
Mining staff use all sizes of the NatraPower Instant Glove, with individuals often packing the 30mL tube in their pocket or the 150mL with their tools. Mining workshops make use of the 800mL wall dispenser that can be accessed by all staff as they enter a working area, and many also use the 500mL pump size on workbenches or tables in the immediate vicinity of their work.

Hand and Skin protection in the Automotive industry grimy subject, because many Auto mechanics aren’t in favour of gloves that compromise their dexterity, especially when they’re feeling blind around an engine body or parts to remove or install something - and they can’t actually see it.
But Automotive is often a grimy job and there’s plenty of grease, oil, diesel or petrol to soak into your skin and under your nails. Getting it off means plenty of scrubbing and usually a strong solvent based hand cleaner to boot. But, the unmistakeable smell of diesel will usually linger around for a few hours afterwards and one look at your nails will generally tell anyone where you’ve been today!
Within a few days the skin tends to dry out and pretty soon shows the signs of wear and tear, not just from the grease and grime but also the from all the washing and scrubbing.
NatraPower Instant Glove cream provides exactly what an auto-mechanic needs - Keeping their full dexterity, whilst improving the clean-up and protecting their hands.
Mechanics have used NatraPower for years and speak highly of its effectiveness, with and many can vouch for the time saving and improvement that Hand Shield has made - not only to their hands, but to their lives! Many with a prior history of chronic skin conditions have found huge relief using Hand Shield, and for many their skin condition has been completely eliminated.
NatraPower is used in all of the available sizes in the automotive industry, including the 30g and 150g tubes, the 500mL pump, and the 800mL wall dispenser.
For glove wearers, the NatraPower Instant Glove cream is a unique solution because it provides a secondary barrier under the physical glove to resist chemicals and water ingress. And it strengthens and nourishes the hands inside that skin-sweating environment.
Hand and Skin protection in the Hair & Beauty Industry is a touchy subject, and there’s lots of professionals who need better hand care. There’s so many toxic and skin-harming chemicals used in the fashion industry like tints, bleaches, chemical peels, disinfectants, dyes, tanning solutions, adhesives, colouring and styling products, shampoos, peroxides, wax solvents and more. Not to mention the constant the hand washing and the glove sweating issues…
Salon professionals can get staining and skin irritation issues with the products they use. In fact, 70% of them suffer from some form of skin damage or dermatitis during their career.
NatraPower Instant Glove offers a classic solution to all of these issues in the hair and beauty industry. Firstly, NatraPower creates a barrier that prevents chemicals from getting into the hands and skin. This makes makes the clean-up far easier, effective and desirable too. Secondly, NatraPower restores damaged skin and protects the hands against further deterioration.
With many hair and beauty specialists, the NatraPower Instant Glove has improved their hands and lives to such an extent it’s become an essential part of their everyday life. The popular sizes are the 150mL tube which comfortably fits inside a bag, or the 500mL pump which gets placed centrally in the salon, on or near work bench.
For glove wearers, the NatraPower Instant Glove cream is a unique solution because it provides a secondary barrier under the physical glove to resist chemicals and water ingress. And it strengthens and nourishes the hands inside that skin-sweating environment.

Those who have any experience in the food and hospitality industry know what it’s like for their hands to get wet, stained and smelly from a wide variety of food products and cleaning processes that they are involved in every day.
From preparing beetroot to garlic, Red Onion to pumpkin, fish to wine there’s a fair selection of popular foods that can leave the hands stained and smelling.
Food sanitation is at a premium too, so operators need to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly too. Before too long, many find that their hands suffer from the frequent periods of exposure to wet, damp conditions and washing up chemicals.
This a challenge that Natralus has risen to with their recently released fragrance free version of NatraPower Instant Glove, which is a suitable for use in the food processing industry. This remarkable food-safe product will last for 4-6 hours and effectively protect the hands against the penetration of stains or odours, even with occasional washing.
Users of Hand Shield Instant Glove have remark that their hands are not only easier to wash, but also that the bacteria count on their hands was measurably lower after washing, when Hands Shield had been first applied before handling the food.
With many food handlers, the NatraPower Instant Glove the popular sizes are the 150mL tube which comfortably fits inside a bag or satchel, or the 800mL wall dispenser that can be accessed by all staff as they enter the working area.
For glove wearers, the NatraPower Instant Glove cream is a unique solution because it provides a secondary barrier under the physical glove to resist chemicals and water ingress. And it strengthens and nourishes the hands inside that skin-sweating environment.
Laboratory work by definition involves handling an array of chemicals and substances of organic and inorganic classification. Maintaining appropriate laboratory conditions requires rigorous cleaning and decontamination procedures.
Most lab workers will use gloves for hand protection, especially when aggressive or corrosive chemicals are used. But what happens if the glove gets perforated or torn? It’s worth thinking about some secondary protection in these circumstances just to make sure the hands are protected. And, even if a worker users their bare hands for something out of the ordinary, or touches something they didn’t mean to - NatraPower gives that extra assurance that your hands can feel protected, even if it happens to be 33% Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid, Acetone or Toluene!
NatraPower Hand Shield Instant Glove has benefitted users who come in contact with bacteria. Applying Hand Shield cream prior to the hands coming into contact with bacteria enhances the washing off process afterwards. This means that NatraPower provides an added level of safety and protection from bacterial contamination.
For glove wearers, the NatraPower Instant Glove cream is also strengthens and nourishes the hands inside that skin-sweating environment.

Cleaners and Janitors do the hard yards when it comes to using their hands, and there’s plenty of chemicals and water to exacerbate a skin problem too.
Many cleaners also confront and deal with challenging unsanitary conditions on a daily basis, so preventing the spread of bugs is at a premium. It’s not always possible to use a pair of gloves the whole time (if you do it creates another skin problem anyway), but what is critical is that any bugs that come in contact with the hands get removed before passing them on and spreading them.
NatraPower Handshield Instant Gloves prevents harsh cleaning chemicals and antibacterial solutions from getting into the skin, and provides the hands with a barrier against the constant wet and damp conditions that hands experience when cleaning.
Cleaning contractors prefer the mobile 150mL tube or 500mL pump size for NatraPower Instant Glove, which comfortably fits inside a cleaning trolley drawer or on the top shelf. Heavy cleaning will require reapplication of Instant Glove every 3-4 hours to ensure optimal hand protection.
For glove wearers, the NatraPower Instant Glove cream is a unique solution because it provides a secondary barrier under the physical glove to resist chemicals and water ingress. And it strengthens and nourishes the hands inside that skin-sweating environment.